International Trivia


This information was compiled and gathered from other sources (listed on Citations page). This page is great for learning some fast facts, but please don't cite this website. There are definitely more reputable sources out there.

  1. Major International Organizations:
    • The following are covered by the "Global Economic Institutions" presentation and presentation notes
      • Internatonal Monetary Fund
      • World Bank
      • World Trade Organization
      • Bank for International Settlements
      • G7 and G20
      • NAFTA
      • Mercosur and Andean Community
      • Asean
      • European Union
    • Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
      • Largest cartel in the world, but protected under international law
      • Membership consists of fifteen conturies, seven in Africa, six in in the Middle East, and two in South America
      • OPEC countries are responsible for estimated 44% of global oil production (2018)
    • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
      • Helps developing countries by elimating trade barriers, negotiating international trade agrements, providing economic assistance, etc.
      • Created in 1964, located in Geneva, Switzerland
      • Has 193 member countries

  2. Currencies and Exchange Rates:
    • The US Dollar is the most powerful currency in the world. It is used internationally as reserve currency, making up 64% of known central bank foreign exchange reserves. The dollar also plays a prominent role in international trade. Around 85% of forex trading involves the dollar. Many countries, such as China and Singapore, peg their currency values to the dollar in order to promote exports to the US.
    • Strongest currency is the Kuwaiti Dinar at $3.30 (July 2018)
    • Weakest currency is the Iranian Rial at an exchange rate of 1 US dollar to 42515 Iranian Rials (April 2018)